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India  -  Part 16

Temples at Nagda.Eileen at temples at Nagda. We started at Nagda, the mother-in-law/daughter-in-law temples on Lake Bagela which date to the 6th century.  These temples are located in a serene setting on a lake and have many intricate carvings.
Idol Alex at temples at Nagda.Side view of entrance to temples at Nagda.We discovered the idol Alex there.  Later on, we went to a second Jain temple called Ekllingji.
Elephant fountain at Royal Garden.Fountains at Royal Garden.Then we went to the Royal Garden Sahelion-Ki-Bari.  The fountains there work naturally by the pressure from the lake.  

Fountains at Royal Garden.Puppet show. We saw a puppet show at the puppet museum.  

City Palace in Udapur.City Palace in Udaipur. We visited the City Palace where we saw miniature paintings that  tell a story.  
Monkeys at City Palace in Udaipur.Peacock mosaic at City Palace in Udaipur. We saw monkeys again climbing on the palace wall.  A mosaic peacock is one of the main attractions.    
Ornate room with manual fan in City Palace in Udaipur.Kerosene driven British fan in City Palace in Udaipur.There was no air conditioning back when this palace was built.  A large fan was powered by a man pulling a rope.  The other fan from the British is powered by kerosene. 
Sunset over lake in Udaipur shot from City Palace.The palace had a nice view of the sunset.  
In the evening, we stayed around the hotel and I had a facial and hair wash at Habibs Beauty Salon.  The facial lasted well over an hour and included many creams and cost only 550 rupees, that's about $12.  Hugh was still sick and stayed in bed.  The next morning we went around the city for some shopping and later took another plane flight and arrived back in Delhi in the late afternoon.  Hugh is now sitting up but he doesn't look so good.





Go to India Part 17


Eileen's Scuba Site
 New York City |  eileen9@iname.com
Plan Your Life and Live Your Dive Plan